The most effective and efficient way to cut cattails is just minutes
Thing to remember About Cattail:
Cattails have flat to slightly rounded leaves that twist slightly over their length and can grow to 5 or 10 feet in height. Atop the stalk you’ll see its signature long oval brown spike. Above the spike will appear a yellowish flower between May and July. In September or October, after the flower has been pollinated, you’ll see the brown flower head pop open and get very fluffy. This means that the seeds are ripe and ready to float through the air in cotton ball-like clumps of seeds ready to start new plants. Cattails spread rapidly because their seeds blow in the wind and float on the water’s surface and vegetative they spread from underground rhizomes.
In order to have the best effect, the control technique should be implemented before the plant has a chance to replenish the starch reserves ( typically when the flower stalks are emerging). Cattail can reemerge after the moving or cutting if the aerenchyma pathway is not disrupted. The most effective way to do this is by cutting cattails below the water line. With no oxygen reaching the rhizomes, the plants will soon die.
Click here to watch the video of weedrazer cutting cattails